The Sacred Mount Kailash of Western

The sacred Mount Kailash is located in the western
part of Tibet known as Ngari at an altitude of 6,638 meters. This
region is known as "the roof of the world roof" because
the Kailash region is the highest part of Tibet.
Mount Kailash is believed to be the most sacred
and vital for these religions: Bon, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism.
Only way to get a deeper undestanding of the Mount Kailash symbolism
is to study the religions, which explains the mystical significence
of Mount Kailash. There are so many conceptions which have profound
spiritual meaning and each conception really mean something to the
people who believe it.
Many claim that Kailash is the gate to "Shambhala":
the land where no name of suffering can be heard and the ultimate
destiny of the meditation practitioners. Shangra-la is
another name used to synonymous with Shambhala.
Hindus also say that Kailash
is the throne of Lord Shiva: the man between God and human. Tibetan
Buddhists beleive that Kailash is the fortress of the most
wrathful tantric deity called "Chakrasamvara":
the supreme embodiment of wisdom and compassion. Bons explain
Kailash as the mountain of Swastika: the central
force of the universe. Jainists refer to Kailash as "Astapada": the holdy land where Rishabha attained his spiritual realization.
These are some popular thoughts about Kailash.
Kailash is also the source of the four great
rivers of Asia -the Indus, Brahmaputra, Sutlej and Karnali and the
most holy river Ganges of Indian subcontinent. These rivers flow
through widely all over Asia and have certainly contributed to make
the sacredness of Mount Kailash.
Thousands of pilgrims visit Mount Kailash and
make their prayers and wishes each year. Kailash is a unique place
to see how different religious people do their spiritual activiest
toward the same mountain. Non-religous tourists also increase to
see Mount Kailash as one of the most wonderful natural attractions.
Many described the beauty of the Kailash area as "heaven on
